Learn Technical Skills
I will walk you through hand expression, breast massage, great breastfeeding positions, latch techniques and more!
The First Weeks
How do I know my baby is hungry? How do I know my baby is full? How much should they be eating? What to do if my baby has jaundice? I will answer these questions and more!
Breastfeeding Supplies
What should I buy before my baby comes? What tools will help? Which ones are a waste of money? Do you need a pump? I will save you money by sharing what you actually need on hand!
I want to help you meet your breastfeeding goals!
I am passionate about equipping moms with the knowledge they need to maximize their success with breastfeeding. Like any new skill, preparation, practice and patience can make all the difference. This course will give you the information you need to feel confident and excited about breastfeeding your baby!